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Policies and Procedures

IPYBA has a zero-tolerance policy for youth coaches, parents, spectators, and sponsors.

Youth sports are for kids, not for parents or coaches.



  • Attending games is a privilege, not a right, which can be revoked at any time by the IPYBA.

  • Remember that all coaches are volunteers who are sacrificing their own time to help your kid. So, give them a well-deserved salute, especially when their team has not fared well that day. 

  • Take time to learn the rules of the game.

  • If you must make noise at the games, shout only praise and encouragement. There's never any place for derogatory, snide or sarcastic comments at kid’s games. 

  •  You don’t get to tell a coach where your kid plays. Just be a parent, let the coach be the coach, and let the game belong to your child. 


  • I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, and parents at every game and practice by demonstrating good sportsmanship.

  • I will attend every practice and game that I can and will notify my coach if I cannot.  

  • I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches. 

  • I will treat my coaches, other players, officials, and fans with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities and I  will expect to be treated accordingly. 

  • I will not throw my gear (glove, helmet, bat, etc.) out of anger.

  • I will encourage my parents to be involved with my team in some capacity because it is important to me. 


  • Coaching games is a privilege, not a right, which can be revoked at any time by the IPYBA.

  • Use of profane, insulting, harassing, or offensive language while coaching is grounds for game ejection with the subsequent infraction can result in dismissal from IPYBA. 

  • I promise to treat opponents, umpires, and IPYBA officials with respect, both in victory and defeat, and encourage athletes to act accordingly.

  • I promise to communicate with all players and parents or legal guardians regarding my coaching style, position assignment decisions, and any team activities outside practices or games. I will stress parental involvement in improving their child's baseball skills.

  • I will be knowledgeable about game rules and will provide instruction to parents and players.

  • I promise to treat everyone fairly regardless of gender, ethnic background, color, sexual orientation, religion, political belief, or economic status. I will display control, respect, dignity, and professionalism to all involved in IPYBA (players, coaches, opponents, umpires, administrators, parents, spectators). 

General Policies

  • Code of Conduct: In the spirit of sportsmanship, all participants and spectators shall: Conduct themselves in a manner that represents the City of Iowa Park with honor, dignity, and respect. Demonstrate the qualities of civility and sportsmanship at all times. Not use vulgar, abusive, racist, sexist, demeaning, sexual, or intimidating language at any time. Support the players, coaches, and officials in a positive manner. Treat the teams, coaches, and fans with courtesy and respect at all times. Not engage in cheers that are vulgar, inappropriate, or demeaning. Refrain from throwing objects for any reason. Not become inebriated or belligerent. 

  • Medical Emergencies- Parents or guardians will be contacted for any injury or accident.

  • Game Cancellations and Rescheduling- If a game is canceled due to weather or other unforeseeable circumstances, efforts will be made to reschedule that game. However, due to time restraints and/or field usage conflicts, some games may not be made up. It will be the decision of the league administration when and if the games are made up. Special circumstances may be taken into consideration.

  • Coaches must walk the playing area prior to the beginning of any game or practice to look for dangerous materials or hazards and report and/or remedy the hazard prior to the start of any play.

  • Each team will be responsible for bringing a volunteer to each game to help with scoring. Home team will be responsible for keeping a scorebook and visiting team will run the scoreboard.

  • If the final score of a game is challenged, the IPYBA  President will examine the scorebook. The President's determination is final.

Possible Actions 

  • Warning to and/or Apology from the coach ï‚·

  • Probation ï‚·

  • One Game Suspension  ï‚·

  • Multiple Game Suspension ï‚·

  • Season Suspension ï‚·

  • Permanent Removal


Factors that might suggest a more lenient sanction include: ï‚· First Offense, ï‚·Remorse, ï‚·Apparent Desire to Reform, ï‚·Other Good Coaching Attributes, ï‚·Dedication to Youth Sports


Factors that might suggest a harsher sanction include: ï‚· Child Endangerment, ï‚·Violation of Law, ï‚·Prior Complaints, Lack of Remorse, Number of Ethics Policies Violated,ï‚· Number of Expected Behaviors Violated, ï‚·Breach of Duties as a Role Model, ï‚·Extraordinarily Poor Judgment Around Children


If a situation should arise that warrants a complaint, please discuss the situation first with your player’s Head Coach. If the situation isn’t resolved to your satisfaction, contact the Community Relations rep via written complaint which must include the following information: 


1. Your Name / Players Name   

2. Address:

3. Phone Number: 

4. Team: Example / Rangers 

5. Head Coach:

6. Nature and Detail of Complaint, including response from Head Coach.


If the complaint involves another team, coach, or a specific umpire crew please include the dates and times games were played along with what fields and teams were involved. The written complaint should be submitted by email to with "Complaint" in the subject line.

The investigation will be led by the President of IPYBA. The board will participate in reviewing the presented information and investigative findings. The board’s decision and any disciplinary actions are final. The final conclusion and results of the investigation shall be forwarded to all parties 

involved within 48-72 hours.

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